Monday, March 16, 2015

My Path to node.js and Oracle Glory - Volume 3, node.js setup on ubuntu on chromebook

Next step - node.js setup on Ubuntu.  This was remarkably easy!  I went to and viewed their Downloads section, where I then went to "Installing from package managers".  That link takes you to this URL on GitHub.  If you read the first line of "Debian and Ubuntu based Linux distributions", you'll note you should go to nodesource's blog post for the most up to date instructions.  I did what I was told - read what they have to say on the page - helpful stuff!

The instructions to install are as follows:

Open a new crosh window or use ctrl+alt+t
type shell
type sudo startxfce4 to get into Ubuntu
click on the Terminal Emulator icon

You need curl (a tool for making http calls, etc. -, so get it - type sudo apt-get install curl

The instructions from nodesource's blog post say to then enter the following:

# Note the new setup script name for Node.js v0.12
curl -sL | sudo bash -

# Then install with:
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Type node to start node..

That's it!  node.js is installed in Ubuntu inside my chromebook!

There are a TON of node.js intros, etc. that I've been pouring over for a while now - I'm not going to bother to explain the basics of node as it's extremely well documented.  I will now start to write some small pl/sql and js programs using the node-oracledb driver and will continue to blog as things progress in that area...  That's it for today!

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